If my accountant told me that knowing 2+ 2 =4 is a fact that can be proven, then I am employing the wrong tax advisor.
The Rebel.
i know this question has popped up from time to time but i really would like to know how you guys, those that no longer believe, came to that conclusion?
was it the wts and all its crap?
was it something you read?
If my accountant told me that knowing 2+ 2 =4 is a fact that can be proven, then I am employing the wrong tax advisor.
The Rebel.
because it wasn't true anyway.
it was a dream.
the insanest dream, to believe that i was going to live forever.. but today i am alive, and i am determined to travel the seconds between life and death aware of my mortality.
Tornintwo, thank you for your post, it was a fantastic read. May I say In my exsperience I liked to think the clock is ticking and with each second I was healing a little more. It takes time but I hope in a years time you are living that authentic life, without self doubt you wish for. And I would add you have no reason for guilt, for leaving the W.T and being true to yourself and family.
The Rebel.
why do there have to be wars?
why is there so much hatred?.
the collective answer i came up with is natalisam, or maybe the correct word should be politics?
Back to my origional O.P.
Why do people kill each other, and quite a list of reasons has been presented.
1. Personal reasons
2. Political violence
3. Religious Fundamentalists
4. International violence
5.mental illness.
i would appreciate any additions to the above list.
What is the solution?
Well in an ideal world I would say " Love all the people". Or at least we can try to resolve our personal, social, religious and political conflicts peacefully. But of course this will never happen, But when I believed in a God, I believed he was a God of love, and I think It would be nice if the religious fundamentalists could hold that perception, of unconditional love and acceptance. How about international and political violence, maybe all that can be done is to communicate better to resolve our political conflicts better? And as for personal revenge, to consider that when we physically hurt another, we are infact damaging our selfs as people.
The Rebel.
why do there have to be wars?
why is there so much hatred?.
the collective answer i came up with is natalisam, or maybe the correct word should be politics?
bobid, thank you for your comment. I would like to clarify you selectively quoted me.
The Rebel " organisation that claims to be no part of this was appealing" Really!
What I infact wrote was:- " This was why I can see how my being a member of a organisation that claimed to be a part of this was appealing, However now I am no longer a witness, I can see how much more important the individual role is in a troubled world"
I hope you appreciate your selective quote of my words, gave my words a completely different meaning.
The Rebel.
why do there have to be wars?
why is there so much hatred?.
the collective answer i came up with is natalisam, or maybe the correct word should be politics?
Cofty :- " we live in the most peaceful time of human history"
The Rebel.(A) Not if you consider it from an animals point of view. Not that I am saying meat is murder, but the barbaric conditions many animals live and are slaughtered nowadays is abhorrent.
Cofty " when would you prefer to have lived?"
The Rebel.(A) Well I think the "when" is now. But to live now sometimes it's best to switch of the T.V with its often deformed version of reality, leave the mobile phone at home and exsperience the great outdoors that has nothing to sell me,
The Rebel.
why do there have to be wars?
why is there so much hatred?.
the collective answer i came up with is natalisam, or maybe the correct word should be politics?
Because we actually believe what actually comes out a politicians mouth.
And then the refusal to take accountability Blair, " it seems I was misinformed with intelligence sources" yea right, imagine Hitler apologising for the Second World War, and Holocaust " It seems I was misinformed with intelligence sources"
So if we learnt one thing from the watchtower, don't necessarily be taken in my what comes out our leaders mouths, because we have a degree of accountability for there actions if we supported them
The Rebel.
i'm just curious if anybody knows.
firstly i don't take issue with the man making money from his books and if he was able to live comfortably from it then i say power to him.
but what i'm wanting to know was just how successful was it and did it allow him to live out the remainder of his years in comfort e.g buy a house, eat good food etc.
Hi Joel,
In my opinion the books more importantly for Ray than money gave self worth. ( In a way parallel to the sence of self worth he must have once felt being on the G.B) And of course a source of income from the publication of those books added a financial security.
The Rebel.
why do there have to be wars?
why is there so much hatred?.
the collective answer i came up with is natalisam, or maybe the correct word should be politics?
Why do there have to be wars? Why is there so much hatred?
The collective answer I came up with is natalisam, or maybe the correct word should be politics? The individual answer I came up with is that some people cannot restrain themselfs often down to greed.
Anyway the world today seems so divided, a few born privaliged yet so many refugees. And a world in which most people seem to value personal possessions of greater value than natural affection. I must admit it's difficult to understand why all this is so.
This is why I can see how my being a member of an organisation that claims to be no part of all this was appealing. However now I am no longer a witness, I realise how much more important the individual role is in a troubled world.
The Rebel.
who won, and why?.
the rebel..
Oubliettte :- Define " best"
The Rebel:-
A) When everyone understands what is being debated.
B) When the most important questions don't get lost in the shuffle of the thread.
The Rebel.
because it wasn't true anyway.
it was a dream.
the insanest dream, to believe that i was going to live forever.. but today i am alive, and i am determined to travel the seconds between life and death aware of my mortality.
Take care, and thanks for the post.
The Rebel.